Participant: Phạm Thanh Tùng, Nguyá»…n Văn Hùng, Bùi PhÆ°Æ¡ng Linh & other FSH members
Time: Every two week on Wednesday
Duration: 5 months (July 2014 – December 2014)
Place: Physiology department, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
The significant role of physical activity in prevention and treatment has been well-documented for long. In Vietnam, in 2012, the Swedish book “Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease” (FYSS) was translated in to Vietnamese. In order to promote the benefits of physical activity on prescription in the domestic medicine community and improve the quality of FYSS Vietnamese version (2010), FSH group has launched a project of reviewing the book and its Vietnamese translation. The project had lasted for 5 months, from July to December 2014, with 7 official meetings and reviewed roughly 100 pages in each session in the total 655 pages of the Vietnamese version. The result was remarkable: not only mistakes of inaccurate translation were detected but also several questionable matters in the English version were found out, which will need adjusting for a better FYSS book. Through this project, the group members have gained helpful knowledge of physical activity on prescription, translation skills as well as organizational skills. The review activity received positive reactions from Swedish side and showed the competence of FSH members.