November 14th – The World Diabetes Day – was introduced by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991 and was officially recognized by the United Nation (UN) in 2006. The message of 2015 was: “Action to change your life” and “Action to change the future world”.
The meeting of World Diabetes Day was held on November 14th 2015 at People’s Committee of Phu Dien ward, North Tu Liem district. The international guests were Assoc.Prof. Ingeborg van Der Ploeg – Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and the expert delegation from The Professional Associations for Physical Activity (YFA) including Prof. Carl Johan Sundberg and MD Gabriella. Vietnamese participants were Prof. Thai Hong Quang, president of Endocrinology and Diabetes Association of Vietnam; Assoc.Prof. Vu Thi Thanh Huyen and MD Nguyen Ngoc Tam, National Geriatric Hospital; staffs of medical division, local authorities and people of Phu Dien ward.
The meeting activities included speeches from both foreign and domestic top experts in diabetes. All introduced evident emphasized on the importance of healthy lifestyle, especially physical activity and healthy diet in management and prevention of diabetic complications. Prof. Carl Johan Sundberg, president of YFA, also had a speech with vivid illustration about proper physical activity for diabetic patient, inspiring the enthusiasm of many attendees.
“Each person should spend at least 30 minutes per day practicing to acquire health benefits”
Image 1. Professor Carl Johan Sundberg
Besides, in the final report from the project “Lowering the rate of diabetes in the community”, the message about the importance of physical activity was re-emphasized by the health expert. At the end of the meeting, all attendees joined in a walkathon with inspiration and enthusiasm.
Image 2. Walkathon after the meeting
The meeting is a part of the media campaign to raise the awareness of the society about practice as well as healthy diet in effective diabetic prevention and management. Hopefully, the message “Each person should spend at least 30 minutes per day practicing to acquire health benefits” could be well-known and followed nationwide.
Luong Hoang Long